The reconstruction of the lensing bispectrum

Weak gravitational lensing is the leading non-linear effect on the cosmic microwave back-ground (CMB) anisotropies. The photons of the CMB are deflected by the intervening Large Scale Structure (LSS) of the Universe. 
The deflection angle is determined by the projected gravitational potential along the line of sight, making it a probe of the growth of LSS, sum of the neutrino masses, dark energy.

picture: ESA

This effectively remaps the temperature and polarization field from the original position of the sky to a new one. The lensing potential can be reconstructed from the observed lensed CMB map. ​The lensing bispectrum receives contributions from the 6-pt function of lensed modes. In the reconstruction process, additional terms called noise biases arise. In order to retrieve the lensing signal, we need to characterize them and quantify their magnitude.